2015 England Trip: Day 16 (Thursday, Sept 10)

Day 16:  London, Iceland, Seattle

We said our goodbyes to our son as he went off to work and just a while later our daughter-in-law and granddaughter walked us down and waved us off in the hire car that took us to Gatwick Airport. The driver was an immigrant from Bulgaria, had been in London over a decade and was raising two children with his lawyer wife.  He conversationally shared his opinions about the former Communist state, the current experiment with capitalism, and the nostalgia of some of his friends back home for the old system that was in many ways not so hard, at least not as they recall it. He also pointed out sights along the way which took us through a rural corner southeast of the city.

Another meal at Wagamama, this time in the airport, and we were off to Seattle, via Iceland. A quiet taxi ride to the ferry dock and we slid right onto the Bainbridge Island ferry. Great timing! My brother and sister-in-law picked us up right where they’d left us off 16 days before, but you would have to say that we were not the same people we’d been.

So thanks for reading this all the way through, if you did, and hope it was a little bit entertaining. 

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